Hsinchu, Taiwan,


AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO) today announced that the Company has topped ITC Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components Industry of 2016 DJSI World (Dow Jones Sustainability World Index), standing out among leading electronic equipment, instruments & components companies around the world amid fierce competition. Meanwhile, AUO is named to DJSI World for the seventh consecutive year, with its outstanding corporate sustainability achievements once again acknowledged globally.


The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes are among the most credible global indicators in reviewing corporate sustainability, and an important referential indicator for global investors. The criteria emphasize on the integration of economic and sustainable practices. This year AUO received impressive scores all round, heading the industry in many respects, including Customer Relationship Management and Supply Chain Management in the Economic Dimension; Climate Strategy, Environmental Policy & Management Systems, Environmental Reporting, and Product Stewardship in the Environmental Dimension; Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy, Labor Practice Indicators and Human Rights, and Talent Attraction and Retention in the Social Dimension. In terms of Climate Strategy, Environmental Policy & Management Systems, and Environmental Reporting, AUO obtained full scores, demonstrating the Company's proactive attitude toward corporate management and environmental sustainability.


"Sustainable management is a value and philosophy that AUO insists on. We conduct ourselves on highest levels of corporate governance, environmental sustainability, and care for the society," said Paul SL Peng, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of AUO. "We hope that through proactive practices and our influence, corporate social responsibility is realized to lead the whole industry, partners from up- to downstream, and the society toward sustainable development."


AUO has long devoted itself in green and sustainable practices, implementing its beliefs in all aspects including production flows, factory establishment, and energy recycling and reuse. Over the past decade, AUO has successfully reduced its use of water and electricity by near half during display manufacturing, and its carbon emissions have significantly lowered by 65%. Last year AUO's Lungtan site officially launched the operation of Taiwan's first(*) locally designed and integrated process water full-recycling system. In terms of corporate governance, AUO has been ranked among the top 5% enterprises in the Corporate Governance evalssuation released by the Taiwan Stock Exchange for two straight years, showing exceptional performance in respects such as upholding shareholders’ rights and increasing information transparency. In the future, AUO will make good use of corporate resources and continue to create new value and opportunities along the path of sustainable development to fulfill its role as an international corporate citizen.


* Based on the available market research information as of September 13, 2016.